Celebrating Special Occasions

Local Pubs

Introducing a Date to the Regulars

It is a general rule of thumb that the parents of young women will meet their daughter's date when he picks her up to go out. They expect to meet him before a relationship has even started. On the flip side, most young men don't bring home a date until they are serious about her. The joke has often been that the parents of a young man were just glad to be invited to attend the wedding. While young men are often much more thoughtful, there is a large gap when it comes to meeting parents. This is even true of extended family in the local pub.

Young men often meet women at clubs, hotspots and local attractions. They go on dates to popular places rather than their favorite pubs. When they want a pub atmosphere, the couples generally choose to go to a pub in the city or other small town. Meeting a young man's significant other is reserved until he is sure the relationship has become serious.

Bringing a date to the pub signifies a young man has met a woman he feels comfortable introducing to friends and neighbors. He has often been seeing her for quite a while. There are few women that would ignore the significance of this type of date. They are there to meet the friends and acquaintances of the young man. These are not just his peer group; they are the people he has interacted with since childhood.

Meeting the regulars at the pub is a big moment in a relationship. Being casual is nice, but it does not mean relaxing too much. While most young men are very independent, their date must be looked upon favorably by their pub mates. If not, the relationship may be in trouble.